With preowned machinery the Brielmaier Baumaschinen GmbH is also working in
international markets. Here you´ll find a list showing the complete range of second-hand machinery available at the moment.
Especially when buying a used machine, our service concept with an
own capable workshop is beneficial for our customers: these machines are carefully checked by us – namely to its full operational capability – professionaly repaired if necessary and quite often also optically and technically upgraded with varnishing work or the replacement of worn out parts.
That means, normally, a second-hand from Brielmaier will always look better than the comparable model from any unknown internet-dealer. Even if that one maybe a few Euros cheaper – it won´t be necessarily the better deal ...
If you´re interested in one of our offers, or if there are any questions for details, best to call is:
Markus Forstenhäusler, phone 0049 751 769 69-